I am currently researching on the family name "Bacca", with apparent origin in northern Italy (Tyrol).
In birth records ranging from 1615 to 1632 I have seen that this surname is also spelled this way: BachƐ / BacchƐ. In one case above this letter "Ɛ" there is a dot, but in the rest of the cases there is not.
If please someone can help me, I am interested to know if it can be considered a Latin origin for this surname written that way, and also how that letter "Ɛ" was pronounced in that...
Character Ɛ
In birth records ranging from 1615 to 1632 I have seen that this surname is also spelled this way: BachƐ / BacchƐ. In one case above this letter "Ɛ" there is a dot, but in the rest of the cases there is not.
If please someone can help me, I am interested to know if it can be considered a Latin origin for this surname written that way, and also how that letter "Ɛ" was pronounced in that...
Character Ɛ